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93% of the companies incorporated companies are registered as private limited companies.
Get your private limited Company registration @ just Rs 11,999/- + Government Fees.
Hassle free, online registration process provided by professionals.
Get your Company within 7 working days.
A private limited company is treated as a business entity dealt completely by private ownership . In this type of company registration, the provisions of company Act 2013 applies. For a private limited company registration, it is mandatory to have four roles defined sorted namely 2 Directors and 2 Shareholders. It is not necessary to have four different people to be part of the pvt ltd company registration, a person can act as both the shareholder and one of the directors. The primary reason to register a private company is the status of separate legal entity i.e. the incorporation of company would be of limited liability company and the shareholders are only accountable for the unpaid amount held by them and. The overall procedure of company incorporation is smoother and effective as the costs are considerably reasonable in nature.
Private Limited company Registration is the goto method of company formation for people who are looking into the startup registration route as it is very easy to get the seed funding from the angel investors as all the basics are legally established. The procedures are minimal with regards to documents for setting up private company in India and are ready off the bat to get the investment from ventures hence, many people prefer registering a private business.
Establishing a business as private limited company has its own set of advantage that other methods of the online company registration like firm registration, Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) registration, Public Limited Registration or Nidhi company Registration, as going with private company registration provides you with out of the box funding compatibility. If the company is going too venture offshore and they are awaiting investment from the same then private limited is the way to go.
At Kshitij T & L Consultancy Consultants we provide you a hassle free consultation on business registration and guide you on the procedure of how to register a company which would be dealt by our professionals within a time frame of 10 working days and is subjective to governmental processing time. Our team takes care of the documents required for private company registration and aids in provide you the realistic estimation of cost.
An entity means something which has a real existence; a thing with distinct existence. A company is a legal entity and a juristic person established under the Act. A juristic person is a person who is not a natural person or human being. Therefore a company form of organization has wide legal capacity and can own property and also incur debts. The members (Shareholders/Directors) of a company have no liability to the creditors of a company for such debts. Hence, a pvt ltd company is a legal entity separate from that of its members.
A company has ‘perpetual succession’, that is continued or uninterrupted existence until it is legally dissolved. A company, being a separate legal person, is unaffected by the death or other departure of any member but continues to be in existence irrespective of the changes in membership. Perpetual succession is one of the most important characteristics of a company.
Limited Liability means the status of being legally responsible only to a limited amount for debts of a company. Unlike proprietorships and partnerships, in a limited liability company the liability of the members in respect of the company’s debts is limited. In other words, the liability of the members of a company is limited only to the extent of the face value of shares taken up by them. Therefore, where a company is limited by shares, the liability of the members on a winding-up is limited to the amount unpaid on their shares.
Shares of a company limited by shares are transferable by a shareholder t any other person. The transfer is easy as compared to the transfer of interest in business run as a proprietary concern or a partnership. Filing and signing a share transfer form and handing over the buyer of the shares along with share certificate can easily transfer shares.
A company being a juristic person, can acquire, own, enjoy and alienate, property in its own name. No shareholder can make any claim upon the property of the company so long as the company is a going concern. The shareholders are not the owners of the company’s property. The company itself is the true owner.
To sue means to institute legal proceedings against or to bring a suit in a court of law. Just as one person can bring a legal action in his/her own name against another in that person’s name, a company being an independent legal entity can sue and also be sued in its own name.
In the company form of organization it is possible for a company to make a valid and effective contract with any of tis members. It is also possible for a person to be in control of a company and at the same time be in its employment. Thus, a person can at the same time be a shareholder, creditor, director and also an employee of the company.
A company enjoys better avenues for borrowing of funds. It can issue debentures, secured as well as unsecured and can also accept deposits from the public, etc. Even banking and financial institutions prefer to render large financial assistance to a company rather than partnership firms or proprietary concerns.
Passport size Photograph
Copy of PAN Card
Copy of Aadhar Card
Address Proof (Bank Statement/Mobile/Telephone Bill)
Copy of Electricity Bil
Sale Deed (if owned)
Copy of rent agreement
(if rented)
Name Approval
Certificate of Incorporation
Share Certificate
GST Registration
Trademark Filing
Udyog Aadhaar Registration (MSME)
Certification Under PF Act
Certification Under ESIC Act
Certification Under PT Act
1-2 working days
Digital Signature Certificate(DSC) is required of the proposed Directors and Subscribers of the Company and it can be obtained within 1-2 working days.3-4 working days
After obtaining the DSC and DIN of the proposed subscribers and Directors, our team will get in touch for a unique name and along with that collect all the requisite documents in scan for the incorporation of the company through the SPICE i.e INC 323-5 working days
After the name approval and review of all the documents required, we will submit incorporation Forms to MCA and once it gets approved Certificate shall be issued by the ministry and we will send the MOA & AOA, DIN via mail and DSC through courierProtection for shareholders in proper legal terms.
Open for funding from outside
Proper role segregation in terms of shareholders and directors.
Minimum two shareholders are enough where as in public limited registration a minimum of 7 shareholders are mandatory.
No need to disclose the financial reports unlike publicly registered corporations.
various exemptions under provisions of Companies Act, 2013.
Minimum number of board and general meetings as prescribed under the Act
Appointment of Auditor
Statutory audit by a chartered accountant
Annual filings to registrar of companies
Maintaining Minutes and statutory registers.
Filing of ITR
S.No. | Particulars | Private Limited | One person | LLP |
1 | Eligibility | Any individual may form a PLC | Only a natural person who is an Indian citizen and resident in India. shall be eligible to incorporate an OPC | Any individual and body corporate may be a partner in LLP |
2 | Taxation | Taxed at 30% plus surcharge and cess as applicable. | Taxed at 30% plus surcharge and cess as applicable. | Taxed at 30% plus surcharge and cess as applicable. |
3 | Closure/Dissolution/ Winding up | Can be initiated- Voluntarily, or By the Tribunal | Can be initiated- Voluntarily, or By the Tribunal | Can be initiated- Voluntarily by the partners or; By the Tribunal |
4 | Existence or Survivability | PLC is not dependent on the directors or shareholder. Can be dissolved only voluntarily or by Regulatory Authorities. | Existence of an OPC is not dependent on the Director or Nominee Director. Could be dissolved only voluntarily or by Regulatory Authorities. | LLP can continue its existence irrespective of changes in partners. |
5 | Credibility | High | Medium | Medium |
6 | Statutory Audit | Compulsory | Compulsory | If Contribution > Rs 25lacs or, Turnover > Rs. 40lacs |
7 | Minimum Requirement | Members-2 Directors-2 |
Member – 1 Director – 1 Nominee of Sole Member – 1 |
Designated Partners – 2 |
8 | Fund Raising Options | High | Low | Low |
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Company Secretary
Ramaicca India Ltd